Below you will find information on how to contact the Riksdag during the Swedish EU Presidency in the spring of 2023.
Contact information for the Riksdag
For general questions about the conferences and the EU Presidency
- Email:
- Telephone, switchboard: +46 8 786 40 00
- Postal address: The Swedish Parliament, SE 100 12 Stockholm
If you have problems speaking, writing or remembering, you can use the services provided by Teletal: 020 22 11 44 (national calls).
Here you will find practical information for journalists and photographers.
For questions about the Riksdag and the EU
If you have any factual questions about the Riksdag and the EU, please contact the Riksdag Information Service. All calls are free of charge.
- Email:
- Telephone: 020 349 000
Opening hours: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–12 noon and 1 p.m.–3 p.m.
The opening times may be more restricted ahead of public holidays and during the summer.
Views on political proposals from parties
If you have points of view you wish to convey on party-political proposals, you should contact the members and political parties directly.
Members and parties on the Riksdag website
Getting to the Riksdag
The meetings and conferences arranged by the Riksdag during the EU Presidency are open to the press and other media with media accreditation.
The Riksdag is situated on Helgeandsholmen in central Stockholm. Follow the link below for information about how to get to the Riksdag and about the various entrances to the Riksdag:
Getting to the Riksdag on the Riksdag website
Processing of personal data
Please contact the Senior Registry Clerk at the Riksdag Administration if you would like information about the personal data that the Riksdag Administration processes about you, if you would like your personal data to be corrected or deleted, or if you would like the processing of your personal data to stop.
- Switchboard: +46 8 786 40 00
- Email:
- Postal address: The Swedish Parliament, SE 100 12 Stockholm
Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. and 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
The opening times may be more restricted ahead of public holidays and during the summer.
Further information about the processing of personal data is available here: