Sweden2023.eu Parliamentary Dimension

The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union

The parliamentary dimension


Here you will find news and topical information connected to the conferences arranged by the Riksdag during the EU Presidency.

A stack of papers with the EU flag on it – illustration
Illustration: The Riksdag Administration
Photo: Anders Löwdin

The Riksdag held an interparlamentary conference on democracy in Europe

Published: 27 June 2024

When the Riksdag held an interparliamentary conference on democracy in Europe, discussions focused on how parliamentarians can help to safeguard and strengthen democracy and the rule of law.

Ida Karkiainen and Erik Ottoson
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

Democracy and the rule of law on the agenda when the Riksdag hosts the interparliamentary conference on democracy in Europe

Published 15 june 

On 18–19 June, the Riksdag will host an interparliamentary conference on democracy in Europe. During the conference, primarily members from the EU’s national parliaments and the European Parliament will meet to discuss democracy and the rule of law.

A woman and two men stand up in the Chamber. They are looking into the camera.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish parliament

The situation in Ukraine – one of several issues discussed at the Plenary Meeting of COSAC

On 14–16 May, the Riksdag organised the Plenary Meeting of the LXIX COSAC. During the conference, members of the national parliaments’ EU affairs committees and members of the European Parliament met to discuss current EU issues.

Photo: The Riksdag Administration

Single market and Ukraine on the agenda when the Riksdag hosts the Plenary Meeting of COSAC

Published 11 may 

On 14–16 May, the Riksdag will be hosting the Plenary Meeting of the LXIX COSAC. During the conference, members of the national parliaments’ EU affairs committees and members of the European Parliament will be meeting to discuss current EU issues. 

A man and a woman in the second Chamber.
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

Current energy policy issues on the agenda when the Riksdag hosts the interparliamentary conference on the EU’s future energy supply

Published 20 April

On 23–24 April 2023, the Riksdag will arrange an interparliamentary conference on the challenges and opportunities for the EU’s future energy supply. During the conference, primarily members from the EU’s national parliaments will meet to discuss current energy policy issues. 

Juan Fernando López Aguilar and Adam Marttinen
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

The work of Europol and the fight against organised crime the focus of discussions at the JPSG meeting

Published 3 April

When the Riksdag hosted the JSPG meeting, discussions included the work of Europol, European police cooperation and the fight against organised crime, for example trafficking in human beings. Members from the national parliaments of the EU member states and the European Parliament participated in the meeting, as well as invited keynote speakers from inter alia Europol.

Adam Marttinen
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

European police cooperation and trafficking in human beings on the agenda when the Riksdag hosts a meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol

Published 23 March

On 26–27 March, the Riksdag will arrange the twelfth meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol (JPSG-Europol). During the meeting, MPs from the national parliaments of the EU member states and the European Parliament will meet to discuss the work of Europol, police cooperation in the EU and the fight against organised crime.

Participants sitting at their desks. A woman is speaking.
Photo: Émilie Gomez/European Parliament

The Riksdag and the European Parliament host a conference on economic coordination and governance in the EU

Published 3 March

On 27–28 February, the Riksdag, in collaboration with the European Parliament, hosted the Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance (SECG) in Brussels. Current economic challenges facing the EU and the member states against a backdrop of significant geopolitical uncertainty, high inflation and slow growth were discussed during three parallel sessions. During the second day of the conference, the proposal for a new economic policy framework was discussed, as well as the fiscal challenges of increased remote working. The SEGC Conference is one of the conferences held within the framework of the Riksdag’s part of the Swedish Presidency of the EU Council of Ministers – the parliamentary dimension.


Overall view of a full Chamber.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the implementation of the Strategic Compass, and the Arctic on the agenda when the Riksdag hosts the Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy

Published 3 March

On 2–3 March, the Swedish Parliament will host the Interparliamentary Conference on the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Common Security and Defence Policy (CFSP/CSDP). During the conference, 250 participants will meet to discuss foreign, security and defence policy.

The Chair of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture Emma Nohren (Green Party) on the big screen. Three people on the platform in the Former Second Chamber.
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

The green transition on the agenda when the Riksdag hosted interparliamentary conference on circular bioeconomy

Published 24 February

On 20 February, the Riksdag arranged an online conference on circular bioeconomy. During the conference, parliamentarians mainly from the national parliaments of the EU member states and from the European Parliament met not only to discuss challenges and difficulties posed by a circular bioeconomy but also above all to highlight good examples and innovations.


Edward Riedl and Niklas Karlsson
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

EU economic governance framework on the agenda when the Riksdag hosts the SECG Conference

Published 23 February

On 27–28 February, the Riksdag will be co-hosting the Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance, SECG, with the European Parliament. During the conference, parliamentarians primarily from the national parliaments of the EU member states, the European Parliament and the parliaments of candidate countries will meet to discuss economic and tax issues. The conference will take place in Brussels.

Emma Nohrén
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

The green transition on the agenda when the Riksdag hosts interparliamentary conference on circular bioeconomy

Published 16 February

On 20 February, the Riksdag will arrange a digital conference on circular bioeconomy. During the conference, parliamentarians mainly from the national parliaments of the EU member states and from the European Parliament will meet not only to discuss challenges and difficulties posed by a circular bioeconomy but also above all to highlight good examples and innovations.


The Speaker speaking in the Former Second Chamber. He is also on the big screen.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

The Riksdag hosts meeting of the chairpersons of COSAC

Published 10 February

When the Riksdag hosted the meetings of chairpersons of COSAC, matters discussed included combating cross-border crime and the priorities for the Swedish Presidency.  Approximately 60 MPs from the EU affairs committees of the national parliaments and members of the European Parliament participated in the meeting.

The Speaker inaugurates the Riksdag’s part of the Swedish Presidency of the EU

Published 30 January

When the Speaker Andreas Norlén convened an online meeting to inaugurate the parliamentary dimension of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, discussions included current issues on the EU agenda and the Riksdag’s ambitions for the parliamentary dimension. Speakers or deputy speakers of the parliaments of the EU member states, the European Parliament, candidate countries, Iceland and Norway also took part.


Photo: The Riksdag Administration

Organised crime on the agenda when the Riksdag hosts meeting of the chairpersons of COSAC

Published 26 January

On 29–30 January, the Riksdag will host the meeting of the chairpersons of COSAC. During the conference, the chairpersons of the national parliaments’ EU affairs committees and members of the European Parliament will be meeting to discuss current EU issues. The meeting will be chaired by Hans Wallmark (Moderate Party), the Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs.


Speaker Andreas Norlén
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

A warm welcome from the Speaker of the Riksdag

Published 10 January

Speaker Andreas Norlén extends a warm welcome: On 1 January 2023, the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament) took over responsibility for the parliamentary dimension of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Since the previous Swedish Presidency, the role of the national parliaments in the decision-making process has increased, and interparliamentary cooperation has deepened.