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Conference on challenges and opportunities for the EU’s future energy supply 23-24 April

Conference on challenges and opportunities for the EU’s future energy supply 23-24 April

A man and a woman in the second Chamber.
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

Tobias Andersson (Sweden Democrats) and Elisabeth Thand Ringqvist (Centre Party), Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee on Industry and Trade.

Download image A man and a woman in the second Chamber. (jpeg, 990 KB)
Tobias Andersson (Sweden Democrats) opens the Conference. He stands at the rostrum in the Former Second Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Tobias Andersson (Sweden Democrats), Chair of the Committee on Industry and Trade, opens the Conference.

Download image Tobias Andersson (Sweden Democrats) opens the Conference. He stands at the rostrum in the Former Second Chamber.(jpeg, 499 KB)
A man stands at the rostrum.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Timur Gül, Head of the Energy Technology Policy Division, International Energy Agency (IEA).

Download image A man stands at the rostrum.(jpeg, 419 KB)
A woman stands at the rostrum. To the right of the photo sits a panel with several participants. A big screen shows all the delegates in the Former Second Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Deputy Director-General of the Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER), European Commission.

Download image A woman stands at the rostrum. To the right of the photo sits a panel with several participants. A big screen shows all the delegates in the Former Second Chamber.(jpeg, 782 KB)
A woman stands at the rostrum. In the foreground is a flower arrangement.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Deputy Director-General of the Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER), European Commission.

Download image A woman stands at the rostrum. In the foreground is a flower arrangement.(jpeg, 429 KB)
A man stands at the rostrum. In the foreground there are several people who are listening.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Guillaume Kasbarian, Chair of the Committee on Economic Affairs, French National Assembly.

Download image A man stands at the rostrum. In the foreground there are several people who are listening.(jpeg, 485 KB)
Overview of several delegates in the Former Second Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Delegates in the Former Second Chamber.

Download image Overview of several delegates in the Former Second Chamber.(jpeg, 559 KB)
A man stands at the rostrum. In the foreground there are several people who are listening.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Andriy Gerus, Chair of the Committee on Energy, Housing and Utilities Services, Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine.

Download image A man stands at the rostrum. In the foreground there are several people who are listening.(jpeg, 505 KB)
Several delegates sit and listen in the Former Second Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Delegates in the Former Second Chamber.

Download image Several delegates sit and listen in the Former Second Chamber.(jpeg, 473 KB)
Family photo on the Grand Stairway.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Group photo on the Grand Stairway from the conference on challenges and opportunities for the EU’s future energy supply.

Download image Family photo on the Grand Stairway.(jpeg, 855 KB)
A female delegate speaks at her desk in the Former Second Chamber.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Grozdana Perić, Croatia.

Download image A female delegate speaks at her desk in the Former Second Chamber.(jpeg, 624 KB)
Seven people sit on a panel: four men and three women.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Markus Wråke, CEO of Energiforsk, Ebba Busch, Swedish Minister for Energy, Business and Industry, Mechthild Wörsdörfer, Deputy Director-General, DG ENER at the European Commission and Timur Gül, Head of the Energy Technology Policy (ETP) Division at the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Download image Seven people sit on a panel: four men and three women.(jpeg, 786 KB)
A man sits at his desk and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Juan López de Uralde, Spain.

Download image A man sits at his desk and speaks.(jpeg, 733 KB)
A male moderator gives the floor in the chamber. He is holding papers.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Johan Kuylenstierna, Director General at Formas.

Download image A male moderator gives the floor in the chamber. He is holding papers.(jpeg, 655 KB)
A woman stands at the rostrum. There are flowers in the foreground.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Ebba Busch, Swedish Minister for Energy, Business and Industry.

Download image A woman stands at the rostrum. There are flowers in the foreground.(jpeg, 729 KB)
A man sits at his desk and speaks. He is photographed from the side.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Peter Kremský, Slovakia.

Download image A man sits at his desk and speaks. He is photographed from the side.(jpeg, 629 KB)
A man leans forward a little when he speaks at his desk.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Andris Kulbergs, Latvia.

Download image A man leans forward a little when he speaks at his desk. (jpeg, 584 KB)
A woman sits at her desk and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Emma Pavanelli, Italy.

Download image A woman sits at her desk and speaks.(jpeg, 614 KB)
A man is photographed from the side. He has just spoken.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Michael Farrugia, Malta.

Download image A man is photographed from the side. He has just spoken.(jpeg, 567 KB)
Several people on a panel sit at the front in the Former Second Chamber.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Liam Hardey, Cellfion, Valentina Zaccaria, Mälardalen University, Jessica Jewell, Chalmers University and the University of Bergen and Afzal Siddiqui, Stockholm University and Aalto University.

Download image Several people on a panel sit at the front in the Former Second Chamber.(jpeg, 764 KB)
A woman stands at the rostrum. She is gesticulating with her hand.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Professor in Power Grid Technology at KTH – the Royal Institute of Technology.

Download image A woman stands at the rostrum. She is gesticulating with her hand.(jpeg, 701 KB)
Several people sit on a panel in the Former Second Chamber. Delegates can be seen in the foreground.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Liam Hardey, Cellfion, Valentina Zaccaria, Mälardalen University, Jessica Jewell, Chalmers University and the University of Bergen and Afzal Siddiqui, Stockholm University and Aalto University.

Download image Several people sit on a panel in the Former Second Chamber. Delegates can be seen in the foreground.(jpeg, 616 KB)
A man sits at his desk and speaks.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Kaspars Briškens, Latvia.

Download image A man sits at his desk and speaks.(jpeg, 481 KB)
A woman sits at her desk and speaks. A man sits beside her.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Tijana Davidovac, Serbia.

Download image A woman sits at her desk and speaks. A man sits beside her.(jpeg, 437 KB)
A man sits at his desk and speaks.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Chrisis Pantelides, Cyprus.

Download image A man sits at his desk and speaks.(jpeg, 698 KB)
A woman looks up from her desk in the Former Second Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Pascale Boyer, France.

Download image A woman looks up from her desk in the Former Second Chamber.(jpeg, 500 KB)
A man wearing headphones sits and listens in the Former Second Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Ernst Boutkan, the Netherlands.

Download image A man wearing headphones sits and listens in the Former Second Chamber.(jpeg, 474 KB)
A man sits at his desk and speaks.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

István-Loránt Antal, Romania.

Download image A man sits at his desk and speaks.(jpeg, 518 KB)
A woman speaks at the rostrum.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Elisabeth Thand Ringqvist (Centre Party), Deputy Chair of the Riksdag Committee on Industry and Trade.

Download image A woman speaks at the rostrum.(jpeg, 373 KB)

Webcast 24 April: Conference on challenges and opportunities for the EU’s future energy supply

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Conference on challenges and opportunities for the EU’s future energy supply

On 23–24 April, the Committee on Trade and Industry will hold an interparliamentary conference on the challenges and opportunities for the EU’s future energy supply. The transition to more sustainable energy supply, research, development and innovation are topics on the agenda. The conference will be held in the Former Second Chamber of the Swedish Parliament (the Riksdag).