Conference on circular bioeconomy 20 February

Conference on circular bioeconomy 20 February

Emma Nohrén
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

The conference will be led by Emma Nohrén (Green Party), who is the Chair of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture.

Download image Emma Nohrén(png, 3 MB)
The Chair of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture Emma Nohren (Green Party) on the big screen. Three people on the platform in the Former Second Chamber.
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

Chair of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture Emma Nohrén (Green Party) introducing the digital conference on circular bioeconomy.

Download image The Chair of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture Emma Nohren (Green Party) on the big screen. Three people on the platform in the Former Second Chamber.(jpeg, 545 KB)
Minister for Rural Affairs Peter Kullgren (Christian Democrats) on the big screen. Three people on the platform below.
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

Peter Kullgren, Minister for Rural Affairs (Christian Democrats).

Download image Minister for Rural Affairs Peter Kullgren (Christian Democrats) on the big screen. Three people on the platform below.(jpeg, 436 KB)
Two people seated at a large table. They are reading their papers.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Member of the Riksdag Staffan Eklöf (Sweden Democrats).

Download image Two people seated at a large table. They are reading their papers. (jpeg, 515 KB)
A man sitting at a large table speaking. A woman sitting on the right.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Member of the Riksdag Kjell-Arne Ottosson (Christian Democrats).

Download image A man sitting at a large table speaking. A woman sitting on the right. (jpeg, 676 KB)
Three people sitting at a table listening.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Member of the Riksdag Anna-Caren Sätherberg (Social Democratic Party).

Download image Three people sitting at a table listening. (jpeg, 667 KB)
Four people on the platform in the Former Second Chamber. Behind them, the Swedish flag and the EU flag.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Deputy Chair of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture, Kjell-Arne Ottosson (Christian Democrats), Chair Emma Nohrén (Green Party), Ingrid Persson, Moderator, and Magnus Bücher, Head of Secretariat.

Download image Four people on the platform in the Former Second Chamber. Behind them, the Swedish flag and the EU flag.(jpeg, 596 KB)
A woman on big screen in the Former Second Chamber. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Mette Kahlin McVeigh, Senior Vice President Public Affairs, Stora Enso.

Download image A woman on big screen in the Former Second Chamber. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.(jpeg, 1004 KB)
The interpreters’ booths are visible in the gallery of the Former Second Chamber
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Simultaneous interpreters in the Former Second Chamber of the Riksdag.

Download image The interpreters’ booths are visible in the gallery of the Former Second Chamber (jpeg, 895 KB)
A man on big screen in the Former Second Chamber. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Khaled Soufani, Director of the Circular Economy Centre at Cambridge University.

Download image A man on big screen in the Former Second Chamber. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.(jpeg, 779 KB)
A woman on the big screen. Text covers the lower part of her face. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/ The Swedish Parliament

Joanna Drake, Deputy Director-General of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.

Download image A woman on the big screen. Text covers the lower part of her face. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.(jpeg, 762 KB)
A man on big screen in the Former Second Chamber. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries

Download image A man on big screen in the Former Second Chamber. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.(jpeg, 732 KB)
A man on big screen in the Former Second Chamber. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Pekka Pesonen, Secretary-General Copa-Cogega.

Download image A man on big screen in the Former Second Chamber. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.(jpeg, 718 KB)
A man on big screen in the Former Second Chamber. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Pieter Nachtergaele, EU Youth Ambassador for Bioeconomy.

Download image A man on big screen in the Former Second Chamber. Four people seated on the platform below the screen.(jpeg, 782 KB)

Webcast: Conference on circular bioeconomy 20 February
(On your mobile we recommend that you watch the video in landscape mode.)

  • 09:30–10:30 (CET) High-level opening – What is the role of the bioeconomy in
  • 13:30–14:30 (CET) Circular business models beyond pilot scale 
  • 15:00–16:00 (CET) Conference closing – What are the next steps for the circular

Report on the interparliamentary conference on circular bioeconomy 20 February (pdf, 158 kB)

Conference on circular bioeconomy: The pathway to an innovative, resource efficient and competitive Europe

The Committee on Environment and Agriculture will hold a conference on the theme of circular bioeconomy as the pathway to an innovative, resource efficient and competitive Europe. Hear more from the Chair of the committee Emma Nohrén. (Subtitles in Swedish, English and French.)