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Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU - SECG 27-28 February

Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU - SECG 27-28 February

Edward Riedl and Niklas Karlsson
Photo: The Riksdag Administration

Edward Riedl (Moderate Party), Chair of the Committee on Finance.and Niklas Karlsson (Social Democratic Party), Chair of the Committee on Taxation.

Download image Edward Riedl and Niklas Karlsson(jpeg, 1 MB)
A man and a woman sit on the platform.
Photo: Alain Rolland/European Parliament

Andreas Norlén, the Speaker of the Swedish Parliament and Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament.

Download image A man and a woman sit on the platform.(jpeg, 626 KB)
Seven people sit behind a platform.
Photo: Alain Rolland/European Parliament

Welcoming address and speeches.

Download image Seven people sit behind a platform.(jpeg, 574 KB)
A picture of a woman.
Photo: Alain Rolland/European Parliament

Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament.

Download image A picture of a woman.(jpeg, 431 KB)
A panel sits on the platform in front of an audience.
Photo: Alain Rolland/European Parliament

Welcoming address and speeches.

Download image A panel sits on the platform in front of an audience.(jpeg, 1 MB)
 A picture of a man.
Photo: Alain Rolland/European Parliament

Valdis Dombrovskis, Trade Commissioner.

Download image A picture of a man.(jpeg, 330 KB)
A group picture of eight people.
Photo: Alain Rolland/European Parliament

Group photo in the European Parliament.

Download image A group picture of eight people.(jpeg, 1 MB)
Two men stand next to each other.
Photo: Éric Vidal/European Parliament

Edward Riedl (Moderate Party), Chair of the Committee on Finance and Othmar Karas, Vice-President of the European Parliament.

Download image Two men stand next to each other.(jpeg, 893 KB)
A man and a woman sign a guest book.
Photo: Daïna Le Lardic/European Parliament

Andreas Norlén, the Speaker of the Swedish Parliament and Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament.

Download image A man and a woman sign a guest book.(jpeg, 705 KB)
Three men at their desks. One man is speaking and two men are listening.
Photo: Érik Vidal/European Parliament

Simone Tagliapietra, Bruegel think tank, Geoff Barnard, OECD and Stefan Ingves, former Governor of Sweden’s Central Bank.

Download image Three men at their desks. One man is speaking and two men are listening.(jpeg, 666 KB)
 A picture of two women. One is speaking and one is listening.
Photo: Émilie Gomez/European Parliament

Evelien Witlox, European Central Bank and Monique Goyens, European Consumer Organisation.

Download image A picture of two women. One is speaking and one is listening.(jpeg, 802 KB)
A man and a woman speaking to each other.
Photo: Émilie Gomez/European Parliament

Irene Tingali, Chair of the Economic and Monetary Committee of the European Parliament and Niklas Karlsson (Social Democratic Party), Chair of the Committee on Taxation of the Swedish Parliament.

Download image A man and a woman speaking to each other.(jpeg, 2 MB)
A man speaking. Two women sitting next to him and listening.
Photo: Émilie Gomez/European Parliament

Dragoş Pîslaru, Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament.

Download image A man speaking. Two women sitting next to him and listening.(jpeg, 459 KB)
Participants sitting at their desks. A woman is speaking.
Photo: Émilie Gomez/European Parliament

Participants at the SECG Conference.

Download image Participants sitting at their desks. A woman is speaking.(jpeg, 884 KB)
A woman speaking into a microphone.
Photo: Alain Rolland/European Parliament

Dita Charanzová, Vice-President of the European Parliament.

Download image A woman speaking into a microphone.(jpeg, 907 KB)
Three men and one woman speaking to each other.
Photo: Alexis Haulot/European parliament

Lars Heikensten, Chair of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council and Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy.

Download image Three men and one woman speaking to each other.(jpeg, 519 KB)

Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU - SECG

Economic issues and tax issues will be discussed during the conference, along with other related topics such as employment policy. English and French subtitles are available for this video. You can activate the subtitles by clicking on the settings wheel at the bottom of the video player and then clicking on the subtitling option.