Plenary Meeting of COSAC

COSAC is a conference for meetings between the European Parliament and the special EU bodies of the national parliaments, which in Sweden is the Committee on EU Affairs. The Plenary Meeting of COSAC (LXIX COSAC) will be held in the Chamber of the Riksdag on 14–16 May.

Date: 14–16 May
Location: The Chamber of the Riksdag, Stockholm

Please note that the Meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC at 16.30 on 15 May is not open to the media.

A conference of parliamentary committees for union affairs of parliaments of the EU

The objective of COSAC is to bring together members from the national parliaments' EU committees and the European Parliament to discuss current EU matters and issues relating to the role of national parliaments in the EU. COSAC can provide opinions and recommendations relating to the EU's activities, also known as contributions, to EU institutions and the national parliaments. COSAC's contributions are non-binding for the national parliaments. COSAC can also adopt conclusions on its own activities.

A plenary meeting is held every six months. Every national parliament and the European Parliament participate in the plenary meeting with up to six members. The Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs will host the plenary meeting at the Riksdag.

COSAC is an abbreviation of the French Conférence des organes spécialisés dans les affaires communautaires, meaning the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for EU Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union.

About COSAC on the IPEX website

Contact for the conference

Plenary Meeting of COSAC 14-16 May

Photo: The Riksdag Administration

The meeting will be chaired by Hans Wallmark (Moderate Party), the Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs.

Download image (jpeg, 1 MB)
A man speaking on a platform.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

At the rostrum Bruno Dias Pinheiro, the COCAC Secretariat.

Download image A man speaking on a platform.(jpeg, 711 KB)
Group photo on the Grand Stairway.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Group photo at the Meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC on 14 May.

Download image Group photo on the Grand Stairway.(jpeg, 729 KB)
A man and a woman sit on their benches.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Susana Sumelzo and Rubén Moreno, Spain.

Download image A man and a woman sit on their benches.(jpeg, 615 KB)
A man and a woman sit on their benches.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Adéla Šípová and Ondřej Kolář, Czech Republic.

Download image A man and a woman sit on their benches.(jpeg, 644 KB)
Four people sit on a platform in the Former Second Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

In the middle, Matilda Ernkrans (Social Democratic Party), Deputy Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs, and Hans Wallmark (Moderate Party), Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs.

Download image Four people sit on a platform in the Former Second Chamber.(jpeg, 587 KB)
The Speaker stands at the rostrum and gesticulates with his arm.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

The Speaker Andreas Norlén opens the COSAC meeting. To the right, Matilda Ernkrans (Social Democratic Party), Deputy Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs, and Hans Wallmark (Moderate Party), Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs.

Download image The Speaker stands at the rostrum and gesticulates with his arm.(jpeg, 459 KB)
A woman on the screen in the Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission.

Download image A woman on the screen in the Chamber.(jpeg, 621 KB)
Two men shake hands in the Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Othmar Karas, First Vice-President of the European Parliament and the Speaker Andreas Norlén.

Download image Two men shake hands in the Chamber.(jpeg, 471 KB)
Gruppfoto med över 100 deltagare i kammaren.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Group photo of the Plenary Meeting of COSAC in the Chamber on 15 May 2023.

Download image Gruppfoto med över 100 deltagare i kammaren.(jpeg, 719 KB)
A woman stands at her bench and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Ana-Maria Cătăuță, Romania.

Download image A woman stands at her bench and speaks.(jpeg, 791 KB)
A man stands at his bench and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Sylwester Tułajew, Poland.

Download image A man stands at his bench and speaks.(jpeg, 832 KB)
A woman stands at her bench and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Elvira Kovacs, Serbia.

Download image A woman stands at her bench and speaks.(jpeg, 871 KB)
A man stands at his bench and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Arber Ademi, North Macedonia.

Download image A man stands at his bench and speaks.(jpeg, 798 KB)
A woman stands at her bench and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Rrezarta Krasniqi, Kosovo.

Download image A woman stands at her bench and speaks.(jpeg, 813 KB)
A man stands at his bench and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Charles Kinnoull, The United Kingdom.

Download image A man stands at his bench and speaks.(jpeg, 807 KB)
A woman stands on a platform and speaks into a microphone.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Jessika Roswall, (Mod) Minister for EU Affairs.

Download image A woman stands on a platform and speaks into a microphone.(jpeg, 738 KB)
A man stands on a platform and speaks into a microphone.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Salvatore De Meo, Chair of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs.

Download image A man stands on a platform and speaks into a microphone.(jpeg, 751 KB)
A man stands at his bench and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Luís Capoulas Santos, Portugal.

Download image A man stands at his bench and speaks.(jpeg, 841 KB)
A woman stands at the rostrum. A man stands next to her.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

At the rostrum, Kerstin Jorna, Director General for the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.

Download image A woman stands at the rostrum. A man stands next to her.(jpeg, 501 KB)
A man stands up from the bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Christian Buchmann, Austria.

Download image A man stands up from the bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 549 KB)
A man stands up from the bench in the Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Andrius Kubilius, European Parliament.

Download image A man stands up from the bench in the Chamber.(jpeg, 550 KB)
A man rises from the rostrum in the Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

José Maria Sanchez Garcia, Spain.

Download image A man rises from the rostrum in the Chamber.(jpeg, 658 KB)
A man stands up from his bench to speak in the Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Vytautas Gapšys, Lithuania.

Download image A man stands up from his bench to speak in the Chamber.(jpeg, 750 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Andrezej Grzyb, Poland.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 519 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Andris Sprūds, Latvia.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 579 KB)
A man stands up from his bench to speak. He holds a paper in his hand.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Vasile Dîncu, Romania.

Download image A man stands up from his bench to speak. He holds a paper in his hand.(jpeg, 559 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Ruud Koole, Netherlands.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 546 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Georgios Kyrtsos, European Parliament.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 634 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Constantinos Efstathiou, Cyprus.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 515 KB)
A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Ellen Samyn, Belgium.

Download image A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 474 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Marko Pavić, European Parliament.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 593 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Didier Marie, France.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 507 KB)
A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Hanna Kosonen, Finland.

Download image A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 557 KB)
A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Susana Correia, Portugal.

Download image A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 518 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Péter Balassa, Hungary.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 814 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Gaëtan Van Goidsenhoven, Netherlands.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 597 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Dr. Anton Hofreiter, Germany.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 596 KB)
A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Cristina-Mădălina Prună, Romania.

Download image A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 521 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Ruairí Ó Murchú, Ireland.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 582 KB)
Two men sit in their benches laughing.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Thomas Hacker and Dr Anton Hofreiter, Germany.

Download image Two men sit in their benches laughing. (jpeg, 712 KB)
An image of people mingling in the Chamber.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Delegates in the Chamber.

Download image An image of people mingling in the Chamber.(jpeg, 691 KB)
A woman stands at the rostrum.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Katarina Areskoug Mascarenhas, Chair of the Board of the Centre for European Studies, Lund University.

Download image A woman stands at the rostrum.(jpeg, 478 KB)
A woman stands at the rostrum.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Anna Stellinger, Head of International and EU Affairs, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.

Download image A woman stands at the rostrum.(jpeg, 716 KB)
A woman stands at the rostrum.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Therese Svanström, President of the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO).

Download image A woman stands at the rostrum.(jpeg, 757 KB)
Image of members sitting in their benches.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Rubén Moreno, Spain.

Download image Image of members sitting in their benches.(jpeg, 840 KB)
A woman stands at her bench and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Boglárka Illés, Hungary.

Download image A woman stands at her bench and speaks.(jpeg, 764 KB)
A woman stands at her bench and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish Parliament

Zita Pleštinská, Slovakia.

Download image A woman stands at her bench and speaks.(jpeg, 698 KB)
The speaker and the Crown Princess seated in the Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Crown Princess Victoria.

Download image The speaker and the Crown Princess seated in the Chamber.(jpeg, 423 KB)
A woman stands in the rostrum and speaks.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Helene Fritzon, Member of the ENVI Committee.

Download image A woman stands in the rostrum and speaks. (jpeg, 395 KB)
A man stands in the rostrum and speaks.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Daniel Mes, Member of Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Timmermans, European Commission.

Download image A man stands in the rostrum and speaks. (jpeg, 397 KB)
Overall view of the Chamber of the Swedish Parliament.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish Parliament

Delegates in the Chamber.

Download image Overall view of the Chamber of the Swedish Parliament. (jpeg, 674 KB)
Overall view of the Chamber of the Swedish Parliament.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Delegates in the Chamber.

Download image Overall view of the Chamber of the Swedish Parliament. (jpeg, 677 KB)
The Crown Princess applauds in the Chamber. The Speaker sits beside her.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

In the middle, the Speaker Andreas Norlén and the Crown Princess Victoria.

Download image The Crown Princess applauds in the Chamber. The Speaker sits beside her.(jpeg, 469 KB)
Three people sit on the platform in the Chamber.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Matilda Ernkrans (Social Democratic Party), Deputy Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs of the Riksdag.

Download image Three people sit on the platform in the Chamber.(jpeg, 478 KB)
A man stands at the rostrum and speaks.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Johan Kuylenstierna, Director General of Formas.

Download image A man stands at the rostrum and speaks.(jpeg, 436 KB)
A man stands up from his bench to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Rubén Moreno, Spain.

Download image A man stands up from his bench to speak.(jpeg, 557 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Stefano Candiani, Italy.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 485 KB)
A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Maria Huber, Austria.

Download image A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 575 KB)
A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Maria Jufereva-Skuratovski, Estonia.

Download image A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 739 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Marc Demesmaeker, Belgium.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 671 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Zoltán Tessely, Hungary.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 757 KB)
A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Lucija Tacer, Slovenia.

Download image A woman stands up from her bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 684 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Pietro Lorefice, Italy.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 564 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/Parlament suédois

Aurelijus Veryga, Lithuania.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 781 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Raoul Boucke, the Netherlands.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 645 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Tomasz Nowak, Poland.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 531 KB)
A man sits in his bench in the Chamber. A woman sits beside him.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Safet Beqiri and Fjolla Ujkani, Kosovo.

Download image A man sits in his bench in the Chamber. A woman sits beside him.(jpeg, 561 KB)
A man stands up from his bench to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Jean-François Rapin, France.

Download image A man stands up from his bench to speak.(jpeg, 627 KB)
A woman stands up from her bench to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Anna Kwiecién, Poland.

Download image A woman stands up from her bench to speak.(jpeg, 550 KB)
A man stands up from his bench to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Pere Joan Pons Sampietro, Spain.

Download image A man stands up from his bench to speak.(jpeg, 572 KB)
A man stands up from his bench to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Pär Holmgren, the European Parliament.

Download image A man stands up from his bench to speak.(jpeg, 665 KB)
A man stands up from his bench to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade, France.

Download image A man stands up from his bench to speak.(jpeg, 647 KB)
A man stands up from his bench to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Firmino Marques, Portugal.

Download image A man stands up from his bench to speak.(jpeg, 778 KB)
A man stands up from his bench to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Andris Sprūds, Lithuania.

Download image A man stands up from his bench to speak.(jpeg, 794 KB)
A man stands up from his bench to speak.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

Georgios Kyrtsos, the European Parliament.

Download image A man stands up from his bench to speak.(jpeg, 808 KB)
Three people sit on the platform.
Photo: Melker Dahlstrand/The Swedish parliament

In the middle, Daniel Mes, Member of Cabinet of the European Commissioner Timmermans.

Download image Three people sit on the platform.(jpeg, 523 KB)
A woman and two men stand up in the Chamber. They are looking into the camera.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish parliament

Matilda Ernkrans, Deputy Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs of the Riksdag, Othmar Karas, First Vice-President of the European Parliament, and Hans Wallmark, Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs of the Riksdag.

Download image A woman and two men stand up in the Chamber. They are looking into the camera.(jpeg, 757 KB)
A woman stands at the rostrum and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish parliament

Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, Chair of the Committee on Ukraine’s Integration into the EU.

Download image A woman stands at the rostrum and speaks.(jpeg, 609 KB)
A man stands at the rostrum and speaks.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish parliament

Anders Ahnlid, Chair of the Ad Hoc Working Party on the use of frozen and immobilised assets to support Ukraine’s reconstruction.

Download image A man stands at the rostrum and speaks.(jpeg, 565 KB)
A man stands at the rostrum and speaks.
Photo:Anders Löwdin/The Swedish parliament

Jean-Erik de Zagon, Head of the European Investment Bank Representation to Ukraine.

Download image A man stands at the rostrum and speaks.(jpeg, 805 KB)
A woman stands up from her bench to speak.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish parliament

Doina Gherman, Moldova.

Download image A woman stands up from her bench to speak.(jpeg, 693 KB)
A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.
Photo: Anders Löwdin/The Swedish parliament

Logi Einarsson, Iceland.

Download image A man stands up from his bench in the Chamber to speak.(jpeg, 661 KB)

Plenary Meeting of COSAC

A plenary meeting of COSAC is held every six months. Every national parliament and the European Parliament participate in the plenary meeting with up to six members. The Chair of the Committee on EU Affairs will host the plenary meeting at the Riksdag.